Tickets booking

Do you need an advice about your booking?
 Or have you a specific request?
 Check our FAQ or contact us by phone: +420 311 681 617, +420 777 464 726 or by e-mail:

1. Do I need a booking at all?

You don´t need any booking for Tour 1 unless you are an organised group. Booking is required for organised groups (10+) only.

If you plan to visit Tour 2 with the Chapel of the Holy Cross the booking is required for all visitors, both individuals and groups. Guided tours are limited up to 16 visitors in a group every 30 min.


2. Shall I call or write an e-mail?

We prefer if you contact us by phone (+420 311 681 617). It´s not always possible to book the time you require (it´s sold out or booked already). When making a phone call, we can avoid an annoying exchange of many e-mails before finding a perfect time for you.


3. Do I have to book tickets for children under 6 years of age?

Yes, because children up to 6 years have a free admission but must be counted into the total number of visitors in a group.

Tour 1 booked groups children up to 6 years booking fee only, admission free.

Tour 2 no booking fee.


4. When is the booking not possible to make?

  • If you want to visit Tour 1 with your family, partner or friends and you are not a big organised group (with a tourist agency etc.). Tours start every 10 min and individual visitors need no previous booking. Individual booking for Tour 1 is not possible due to technical reasons.
  • If you want to book tickets for the very day you call our booking centre.
  • If it´s sold out.
  • If you want to book Tour 2 by e-mail less than 4 days in advance. In this case, please contact us by phone.


5. What do I need to book my tickets?

  • Know the date (specific day and hour) when you want to come at Karlštejn Castle.
  • Language (Czech, English, German, Italian, French).
  • The number of people (including children under 6 years).


6. Is there a booking fee?

Yes, a fee of CZK 20 is charged for a confirmed booking for every visitor in an organised group for Tour 1 only.


7. How to book?

  • Tour 1 organised groups with more than 10 people only
  • Tour 2 every single visitor must have a booked ticket


Karlštejn Castle

Booking Department

267 18 Karlštejn 172

phone: +420 311 681 617, +420 777 464 726



Booking Department is open:

Month Day Hours  
Tuesday - Sunday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm  
February, March Tuesday - Sunday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm  
April Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm  
May, June Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm  
July and August daily 9:00 am - 6:0 pm  
September Tuesday - Sunday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm  
October Tuesday - Sunday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm  
November, December Tuesday - Sunday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm 22th till 25th December CLOSED

Booking via e-mail can only be processed if sent 4 or more days before the visit (that is, not 03 days before the visit).


8. Further information

Booking tickets for big groups is a service that helps us manage all the tours smoothly (up to 1,800 visitors per day), prevents an unnecessary waiting and gives you the certainty of a visit at the specific time. However, the group must arrive (submit a booking number or an e-mail confirmation of the booking at the ticket office) no later than 15 min before the tour starts.

Please notice that walking from the car park up to the castle takes about 30 min. You can also hire a taxi or a carriage. The entire town of Karlštejn is a pedestrian zone.


How long does the tour take?

Tour 1: 55 min

Tour 2: 100 min

Tours 12 lead through different parts of the castle.

Guided tours only.

We kindly ask our visitors not to leave the tour and follow the guide´s instructions. Please notice that it is forbidden to touch exhibits or to endanger them in any way.

Help us protect a beautiful and unique medieval decoration of the castle, especially the original wall paintings. Please be careful when in a room with wall paintings.

Quick contact

Are you lost? Don't worry, give us a call and we will help you.


Booking Department

00420 311 681 617 00420 777 464 726